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Drzewko zaliczone...

Jesse.Pinkman2022-01-09, 13:03
...ale poza tym miał sporo szczęścia bo wyszedł z tego bez szwanku.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
On January 4, a small car sprinted on the road. During this period, it suddenly deviated from the direction and took off instantly. The small tree sapling on the side of the road was shoveled off by the flying car. Finally, it lay down in front of the residents’ house with four wheels facing the sky. The debris of the vehicle was scattered on the ground. A man crawled out of the car unharmed. The details of the accident are currently under further investigation.

Skuterzystka i tirowiec ..

~McSadol2022-01-07, 18:19
.. tirowiec jak zwykle ślepy ...

Snajkers • 2022-01-07, 18:44   Najlepszy komentarz Najlepszy komentarz (21 piw)
A kiblopizda głucha.

na linii iława - olsztyn...
Lobo24 • 2022-01-06, 11:22   Najlepszy komentarz Najlepszy komentarz (44 piw)
Maszynista - twardy skurczybyk. Nawet nie próbował skręcić.