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📌 Wojna na Ukrainie (tylko materiały z opisem) - ostatnia aktualizacja: Dzisiaj 0:41
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...i zakończył swój rajd na 17-letniej dziewczynie i 5-letnim dziecku. Magnitogorsk, Rosja. Źródło.
Kiepsko się dla niego skończyła ta nieroztropność.
Zdrowo zajebał - a ponoć w obrębie skrzyżowania i w zabudowanym nie powinno się tak piłować. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
HOUSTON – Nearly one month later, Houston police released body camera video from an officer-involved crash that killed a 75-year-old man.

The crash happened on Dec. 26, 2021, in the 4600 block of N Shepherd Drive.

Houston police say officer Christopher Cabrera’s patrol vehicle crashed into another driver’s car.

The man behind the wheel of that Cadillac CTS was 75-year-old Charles Payne.

KPRC 2 spoke to Charles’ son Kevin Payne in December, and he told us his dad had just left church.

“I was at home and HPD called and they notified us that he was involved in a car wreck with a police officer,” Kevin said.

Charles was taken to the hospital where he died from his injuries.

Nearly one month later, body camera video was released showing part of officer Cabrera’s response to the crash.

“I mean the airbag kind of hit me,” Cabrera said. “It hit my vest, but my seatbelt was on though. And, is he okay?”

Seconds later, you can hear the officer ask again about the driver’s condition.

“Is he like life-threatening,” he asked.

A first responder on the scene asked the officer if he needed treatment, telling him he looked woozy.

“Yea, I just want to make sure he’s okay,” Cabrera responds. “It happened pretty quick.”

He denies treatment, and eventually, he’s asked to sit down.

“I’m still trying to figure out what happened,” Cabrera could be heard saying on the video.

Cabrera was then taken to hospital with minor injuries. Days later, he was relieved of duty pending the outcome of the investigation.

Charles’ family said they want accountability.

“My father was turning off Shepherd onto Thornton,” Kevin said. “He couldn’t have been speeding (while) turning, so someone had to be speeding for him to be killed in an impact hit like that.”

HPD said their investigation is ongoing.
...w małżeństwie i chyba już dawno powinni dać sobie spokój.
60-letnia kobieta w stanie krytycznym trafiła do szpitala. Źródło.

ukryta treść
At 10:20am, a report was received of a pedestrian being hit by a vehicle at the entrance to a cafe on Halutzi HaTa'asiya Street in Haifa. paramedics provided medical treatment and evacuated the woman to Rambam Hospital in critical condition with head and limb injuries and the driver of the vehicle, a 75-year-old man in moderate condition with head injuries.
Nic dziwnego - w Brazylii nie lubią lepkich rączek.

Zaskoczeni od tyłu

Jesse.Pinkman2022-02-02, 22:34
Kiepskie miejsce sobie wybrała meksykańska para na spacerek.
W spojlerze tradycyjnie efekt końcowy jego głupoty.

ukryta treść

Alvaro rozpoczął...

Jesse.Pinkman2022-02-02, 21:27
...a potem już przeszli w tryb każdy na każdego czy chuj wie co.