Jakiś doktor pisze książkę pt. "Najlepszy ojciec jest dobrym kochankiem" (no, można jeszcze przetłumaczyć jako: "Najlepszym ojcem jest dobry kochanek")? Nie jestem pewien, czy Trynkiewicz przypadkiem nie jest wydawcą...
I jeszcze te komentarze na jednej ze stron: "The title really says it all. A good Catholic book. This book reminds of going to see Father Lonahan at church in my childhood. He loved me. He was a great father."
"It's amazing how accurate the author is at capturing a piece of my christian childhood. I found the writing to be very touching and a tender read that any child could enjoy. I hope we get a sequel soon about loving uncles for the boys that didn't get the chance at having a loving father."